The Gadjah Mada University
History: Gadjah Mada University is the largest university in Indonesia in terms of student population. It is also one of the oldest universities in the country, founded on December 19, 1949; although the first lecture was given on 13 March 1946. The name was taken from the name of Majapahit's Prime Minister, Gajah Mada.
Location: UGM is located in Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. It has 18 faculties, 73 undergraduate study programs, 28 diploma study programs, and a graduate program of 62 study programs ranging from Social Sciences to Engineering. It has approximately 55,000 students, 647 foreign students, 2,240 employees, and 2,273 lecturers.
Facilities: When founded, UGM had 6 faculties: the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy, the Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Letters, Pedagogy, and Philosophy, the Faculty of Agriculture, and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. From 1952 until 1972 the Faculty of Medicine was split into two separate faculties, the Surabaya branch of the Faculty of Law, Social, and Political Sciences was established, and the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training was integrated into IKIP Yogyakarta. During its initial years, the University used the buildings and other facilities belonging to the Kraton of Yogyakarta (sultan Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX's palace). The university gradually established a campus of its own in Bulaksumur. The university is now has an area of 3 square kilometres. Nowadays the university has the following facilities: Biology Economics Pharmacy Philosophy Geography Law Cultural Science Political and Social Science Dentistry Department of Dentistry Veterinary Forestry Math & Natural Science Agriculture Animal Science Engineering Agricultural technology Psychology
World Ranking: In 2007, UGM ranked number 360 on Times Higher Education Supplement World University Rankings 2007, the highest rank for university in Indonesia. Webometrics Ranking of World Universities July 2007 placed UGM on rank 939 in the world, and rank 95 in Asia.
Educational Program: According to Law no. 2 year 1989 about National Educational System; Governmental Regulation no. 60 year 1999 concerning Higher Education; Governmental Regulation no. 61 year 1999 on the subject of the Establishment of Tertiary Educational Institutions as Corporate Bodies, Governmental Regulation no. 153 year 2000 about the Establishing of Gadjah Mada University as National Corporation (BHMN); decree of the National Education Minister of Indonesian Republic, no. 232/u/2000 concerning the Orientation of the Composing of the Tertiary Educational Curriculum and the Student Evaluation and Gadjah Mada Rectorial Decree no. 80/P/SK/PD/2001 dated October 1st 2001 on the subject of the Orientation of the Tertiary Educational Curriculum Composition of Bachelor Program for study programs in Gadjah Mada university, it is declared that Gadjah Mada university is a tertiary educational institution that holds programs for academic education and professional education.
ACADEMIC EDUCATION: The general objective of academic education is to prepare the students to become citizens who are faithful and pious to God, having the spirit of the Pancasila (the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia), possessing a high personal integrity, open and perceptive to changes and the development of science, technology, art, and the problems that the society is facing, especially the ones related with their field of mastery. The academic programs that have been carried out by UGM comprise Undergraduate program and Postgraduate program.
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION: The general objective of Professional education is to prepare the students to be citizens who are faithful and pious to God, having the spirit of the Pancasila (the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia), possessing a high personal integrity, open and perceptive to changes and the development of science, technology, art, and the problems that the society is facing, especially the ones related with their field of mastery as well as possessing the ability to apply their knowledge to a certain field.
More Pictures Of Building Inside Gadjah Mada University.
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